Luleburgaz Anadolu Efes Factory ammonia compressor room protection
Konya Anadolu Efes Factory ammonia compressor room protection
Afyon Anadolu Efes Factory ammonia compressor room protection
Izmir Anadolu Efes Factory ammonia compressor room protection
Istanbul Anadolu Efes Factory ammonia compressor room protection
Adana Anadolu Efes Factory ammonia compressor room protection
Ankara Anadolu Efes Factory Cogeneration Powerplant ,boiler and ammonia commpressor room watermist protection
Significant savings on weight and space requiremens
Minimum or no water damage
Low water consumption
SEM-SAFE works with 100 bar pressure and uses micro nozzles . Water is forced through micro nozzles at very high pressure to create a water mist with the most effective fire fighting drop size
distribution. The extinguishing effects give optimum protection by cooling, due to heat absorption, and inerting due to the expansion of water by over 1,700 times when it evaporates.
Operations or process can be restarted very soon after the release of the system
Can be used under every conditions
Environmental friendly and safe for people
Entegrated with total flooding system
No need to decontaminate or flush the equipment after release
Approved by several maritime authorities and has a type approval for IMO MSC/Circ 913
Its an replacement for Halon 1301 systems and harmless to ozone layer.
The Sem-Safe Water Mist System is unique. Water is forced through micro nozzles at very high pressure to create a water mist with the most effective fire fighting drop size distribution. The
extinguishing effects give optimum protection by fast cooling, due to big heat absorption, and inerting due to the expansion of water by over 1,700 times when it evaporates.
The Sem-Safe Water Mist System provides better protection for personnel and surroundings and minimizes potential water damage, as the very big majority of the water mist evaporates. The Sem-Safe
Water Mist System is available for total flooding, local applications and deep fat fryers, and also as a high pressure or low pressure system.
The Sem-Safe Water Mist System is unique. Water is forced through micro nozzles at very high pressure to create a water
The Sem-Safe Water Mist System is unique. Water is forced through micro nozzles at very high pressure to create a water |