APPLICATION : 'TSC' Fire Dampers are provided on air / gas ducts to control flow under normal circumstances and to isolate areas connected by duct from the fire affected area. CONSTRUCTION :Dampers
are manufactured with single flap / multilouvers. The louvers are connected through suitable linkage to a controlling actuating device, such as electrical actuator / solenoid valve / pneumatic
cylinder / fusible link. Louver / flap shaft are provided with bearings with greasing facility to enable smooth rotation.Louvers / flaps are made of mild steel. The louvers /flaps are designed in
the form of a box and are sandwiched with high grade insulating material which can withstand 9800 C for period of 90 minutes, conform to UL - 555, thereby acting as effective barrier in closed
position to the flame path between air duct and fire effected area.