Hose Reels

It consist of
  1. Galvanized / stainless steel drum mounted on a frame.
  2. Rubber hose wound on a drum having fog nozzle for foam
      discharge at one end.
  3. Stainless steel tank having a capacity of 30/60 US gallons for
  4. Eductor for foam suction, having a metering valve of 0 to 9%
  5. By- pass pipe line for transfer of liquid when the system is not in
      use for fire.
  6. Swivel joints in the system provide leak-proof & smooth rotation of

Fire water and foam hose reel is a compact Fire Fighting System with
foam to extinguish fire in oil rigs and other places

  • Country:India
  • telephone:91-00 91 11 28833103
Fire water and foam hose reel is a compact Fire Fighting System with
foam to extinguish fire in oil rigs and other places
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