The TH8HA0108AA single chip is a complete smoke and temperature detection solution for a fire sensor consisting of the smoke sensor, an 8051 microcontroller and EEPROM memory storage for user
application S/W. All of the above is integrated into one single chip. Moreover the TH8HA0108AA contains an 8bit ADC, 16 general purpose I/O pins, a POWER ON RESET circuit, In System Programming
(ISP), an Interrupt Controller and an UART for connecting to peripheral devices. The chip is designed for very low power and low voltage application . Features CPU 1.84Mhz~5.52Mhz operating
frequency High-Performance 8bit microcontroller Two clocks per machine cycle architecture Internal 4K byte EEPROM Program memory down load option 256byte internal data memory Two 16bit
timer/counters Full duplex serial port Six Interrupt Source Two general I/O Port Power saving modes On-chip clock oscillator