This is a water-based extinguisher, which uses a multi purpose aqueous film forming foam concentrate with water. It discharges as a spray of foam, which blankets the surface of the fire, smothering
the flames. Being water based it also has a cooling effect. The foam has excellent adhesion qualities ensuring that it remains in position thus preventing re-ignition of the fire at a later stage.
May be used on A and B class fires containing carbonaceous materials like paper, wood, straw or textiles, and also on fires involving flammable liquids, including leaded or unleaded petrol, diesel,
oil, and fat. Suitable for use on fires involving live electrical equipment up to 1000v, and may be used on 12v and 24v vehicle electrical systems. NOTE: May be purchased with leather holder as
optional extra (D201)
This is a water-based extinguisher, which uses a multi purpose aqueous film forming foam concentrate with water. It dischar...