Since some customers have indicated they want some but not all of these options, all are now available for individual addition to our EMS Jumpsuit or Wildland Jacket and deluxe Pants. You can add options and get the old General Purpose/Extrication Jumpsuit or 2-Piece Set, or add some if not all are needed. Our increasing automation at American Firewear allows us to offer you even more flexibility. An additional advantage is that the base EMS Jumpsuit or Wildland Jacket and Deluxe Pants, with or without any or all of these options, meets or exceeds NFPA 1977 Standard on Protective Clothing and Equipment for Wildland Fire Fighting, 2005 Edition.
Since some customers have indicated they want some but not all of these options, all are now available
Since some customers have indicated they want some but not all of these options, all are now available |