The Flex 410 is a flexible fire alarm
control panel for educational,
commercial, and industrial applications
in both new and existing
buildings. The Flex 410 can be
readily used in retrofit applications
to meet revised local fire and lifesafety
codes. It is ideal for small- to
medium-sized installations such as
hotels, schools, correctional institutions,
health care facilities, small
office buildings, and manufacturing
plants. The Flex 410 offers ten
zones of Class B (Style B) initiation
that can be configured as five Class
A (Style D) zones. It is expandable
up to 20 zones Class B or 10 zones
Class A for larger applications. The
Flex 410 has a complete line of
supervised accessories that provide
remote annunciation and auxiliary
zone control expansion. Using microprocessor-based control, the Flex 410
offers a built-in UL-Listed communicator designed for applications requiring
smoke detection, manual pull stations and sprinkler supervision. The
communicator features an easy-to-read two-line LCD display with programmable
readout and user-friendly tactile keys. The Flex 410 cabinet can be
flush- or surface-mounted.
A plexiglass door and dress panel is available for applications where
deadfront is a requirement. Flex 410 software includes a provision to allow
control functions to be non-password-protected when the deadfront option is
Flex 410 Power Supply
The Flex 410 power supply is a fully regulated, high-efficiency, 6-amp
supply that furnishes precise system operating and signal power. It is
equipped with a battery charger which maintains the secondary power
source. The power supply is monitored by the microprocessor to ensure
adequate power levels are available at all times. The supply powers four onboard
notification appliance circuits.
Architectural/Engineering Specifications
The system shall contain a fire alarm control panel to supervise and operate
heat and smoke detection devices, manual fire alarm devices, alarm notification
devices, and visual annunciators. The system shall also be capable of
monitoring for sprinkler supervisory and waterflow conditions. The system
must have a built-in UL-Listed fire communicator that can be enabled/disabled
as needed on a per-job basis. In addition, the system will sound alarms locally
Flex 410
Fire Alarm Control Panel
with Digital Communicator
Flex 410 Fire Alarm Control Panel with Digital Communicator |