We manufacture a precision engineered range of Fire Hydrant System, Fire Sprinkler & Excess Control System that are standard fire detection systems and can easily sense fire in the initial stage.
These automatically dial the fire brigade station number and thus control the fire. These fire hydrant systems and fire sprinkler are also available with optional automatic Carbon Di-Oxide
discharger and comprise following components: Sufficiently large water reservoir Fire pump sets (Main and Standby) Jockey pump set Hydrant valves Fire fighting hoses Branch pipe with nozzlesThese
are semi automatic fire extinguishing system where in a network of pipes is laid out which counts upon the risk with hydrant valves placed at strategic places. The spacing or the distance between
yard hydrants is in accordance with the norms as specified by N F P A Tariff Advisory Committee I S D Indian Bureau of StandardsIn these systems, the whole pipeline is kept under uninterrupted
pressure with water. Once the hydrant valve is open, the pressure in the pipeline is reduced drastically and jockey pump set (keeps the total system pressurized) becomes unable to cope with the
system demand which results in further fall in pressure. There is a further fall in pressure which is perceived by the designated pressure switch and the main fire pump set starts automatically.
These are also equipped with diesel-engine powered fire pump set with a capacity of 100% to rely upon the type sensitivity of the risk and possess following components: Landing Valves Couplings
Hose Reels Hoses Branch Pipes & Nozzles Fire Brigade Connectors