Allcylinders are manufactured in the USA, to the highest engineering,manufacturing and quality standards.
Now,SCI is selling SCBA cylinders directly to Fire Departments throughAtlas Fire & Safety Equipment. This equates to a savings to Fire Departments of 30%-60%from the price levels that SCBA air pack manufacturers charge. All SCIcylinders are approved by the D.O.T. & TC. Our lines of StandardCylinders is identical (except labeling variations) to the cylinderspurchased for resale by the SCBA air pack companies.
Structural Composite Industries (SCI),the first composite cylinder manufacturer to receive Department ofTransportation (D.O.T.) approval for SCBA cylinders, has manufacturedover 2 million units without a field failure. SCI has suppliedcylinders to Scott, MSA, Drager, Survivair, Interspiro and ISI as acomponent of their NIOSH certified, NFPA approved SCBA air packs.
SCBA Carbon Fiber Cylinder
SCBA Carbon Fiber Cylinder |