This system completely wireless with GSM Mobile Phone Module (a mobile phone inside the unit, Orange Sim card included!) AutoDial Technology Once programmed with your 6 selected phone and mobile
phone numbers (optional) the system will alert you by telephone/mobile phone/text message when the system is triggered without the need for a landline. Another benefit is the monitoring feature
which allows you to listen in when the system is triggered! Easy DIY installation Motion detectors, door/window sensors, smoke sensors and panic buttons can be easily installed anywhere in your
home or office within just a few minutes using only basic DIY skills. Up and running in just a few minutes: include all the necessary batteries and fixings, ready to set up straight from the box.
24 hour/365 days a year protection at the press of a button Setting or deactivating the alarm is as simple using the Wireless Key fobs just like the one you may use to lock/unlock your car.
Alternatively you can telephone the system from anywhere in the world to activate/deactivate and monitor the alarm system. This system can be upgraded to as many additional sensors you need.
APPLICATION: House,apartment, business and so on... WHAT YOU GET: 1 x GSM Control Panel plus Antenna and UK Power Supply; 8 x Wireless PIR Movement detectors; 4 x Wireless Door/Window Sensors; 2 x
Vibration sensors; 6 x key fob remotes with panic button and WITH COVER OVER THE BUTTONS- you would never set your alarm ON/OFF by mistake. It will be safe and secure under cover in your pocket! 1
x wireless smoke sensor; 1 x wired indoor siren 120db; All ready to work straight from the box! ONE YEAR MANUFACTURER WARRANTY!