Orion G Multi-Gas and Leak Detector - #MSA-10041472

Orion G Multi-Gas and Leak Detector - #MSA-10041472

A four-gas, multi-function portable detector featuring one-button calibration, an internal pump for convenient remote sampling, rugged construction, excellent resistance to dust and water penetration and advanced ergonomic design. Detects combustible gas leaks, O2, H2S and CO. A flexible probe sensor makes it ideal for gas-leak detection indoors and outdoors at gas meters, bar holes, furnaces, pipes, storage tanks and survey sites. Other applications include confined space monitoring and carbon monoxide detection at flues and furnaces. With its highly durable construction, the Orion G Multigas Detector stands up to tough environments.

Orion G Multi-Gas and Leak Detector - #MSA-10041472

  • Country:United States
  • telephone:1-3365783931
Orion G Multi-Gas and Leak Detector - #MSA-10041472
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