The Flame Arrester of Model KSFI is designed manufactured, and tested according to API 2000 & BS 7244(British Standard Specification) code.Installed in the top nozzle of the several kinds of the
flammable low pressure storage tank(the ignition point below 65)), it is the explosion proof and deflagration proof which blocks the influx of flame ignified externally into the tank.In general it
is combined with pressure and vacuum relief valve(KSBB Model), and designed to provide a large quantity of flow under the small pressure differences.Designed to use for the transport line of the
flammable low pressure gas and installed in a IN-LINE SYSTEM, like the pipe line which transfer the flammable gas to the inclinator flame shell or the discharging line of combusted gas to the air,
it blocks the spread of ignified fire. Meet USCG, IMO MSC/Circ,677 & EN 12874 requirementsDesigned for Explosion & Deflagration proofMaximum Capacity & Minimum Pressure dropCapability of
Bi-directional flow & flame arrestingQuick & Easy removable elementVery easy cleaning & maintenanceAvailable vertical & horizontal installationHigh quality corrosion & chemical resistance