Eagle Quantum Premier Controller (EQP)
The heart of the safety system, a multi-channel programmable
controller that manages, maintains, monitors and controls the safety
system devices on the loop.
2. Safety System Software (S3)
The software provides a seamless configuration and monitoring
package to provide a user friendly accurate environment to manage
the safety system.
3. Local Operating Network/Signaling Line Circuit (LON/SLC)
A two wire digital communication network, arranged as a faulttolerant
loop starting and ending at the EQP controller. The LON/SLC
supports up to 246 intelligent field devices distributed over a distance
up to 32,500 feet (10,000 meters).
4. PointWatch Eclipse IR Combustible Gas Detector
Provides accurate detection of flammable hydrocarbon gases in the
lower explosive limit (LEL) range.
5. Digital Communication Unit (DCUEX)
Use with Det-Tronics catalytic combustible gas sensors and allows one
person non-intrusive calibration.
6. Multispectrum IR Flame Detector (X3301)
Provides superior performance using advanced multi patented signal
processing algorithms to ensure continuous protection in the presence
of false alarm sources.
7. Single Frequency IR Flame Detector (X9800)
Uses patented signal processing (TDSA) and narrow frequency
bandpass filters to detect radiation characteristics of hydrocarbon fires.
8. UV/IR Flame Detector (X5200)
Provides accurate fire detection by correlating the signals from both
UV and IR sensors.