AAAG MFGs supplied with 1 Mtr. long PVC braided Pick-up tube and SS 304 Dip Pipe.
Construction: Aluminium Barrel, G.M. inductor assembly, 2.5 Instantaneous G.M. Male Inlet, G.M. Female Outlet.
AAAG LX Mechanical Foam Generators (MFGs) give excellent quality low expansion foam, and are used as portable equipment, mounted on Fire fighting Vehicles, or in fixed foam systems. MFGs induct the required amount of foam compound, and air into the foam solution stream to give stable LX foam. AAAG MFGs are available with nominal foam solution capacity of 225 (MFG 5)and 450 lpm (MFG 10) It is recommended to operate the MFGs at a minimum pressure of 7 bars, maximum 12 bars.
Construction: Aluminium Barrel, G.M. inductor assembly, 2.5 Instantaneous G.M. Male Inlet, G.M. Female Outlet.
Construction: Aluminium Barrel, G.M. inductor assembly, 2.5 Instantaneous G.M. Male Inlet, G.M. Female Outlet. |