Portable CO2 Fire ExtinguisherCO2 fire extinguishers provide trusted fire protection without contanination risk.A powerful concentration of carbon dioxide gas is delivered onto fires involving flammable liqui ds and electrical hazards.It not only smothers fires quickly and cleanly but also is non-toxic and harmless to delicate mechanism and materials.Therefore,it is ideally suited for use in laboratories,paint spray booths ,switch-gear transformers, aircraft,ships and for protecting all kind or porcess using oils, spirits,solvents,wax,and other highly flammable materials. Features1.Seize and squeeze operation and controllable discharge2.Non-conductive anti-static horns3.Corrosion-resistant cylinder4.Tested to BS EN3:1996
Portable CO2 Fire Extinguisher
CO2 fire extinguishers provide trusted fire protection without conta
Model Number: | VKS-CD-2/VKS-CD-5 |