Dry Chemical Extinguishers
Item# newitem166675070
Dry Chemical Extinguishers: 2 1/2 lb. w/vehicle bracket, Range 9' - 15',Time 10 secs, Dimension 14 3/4"h x 5 3/4"w x 3"dia, UL Rating 1-A:10-B:C5 lb. w/vehicle bracket, Range 12' -
18',Time 14 secs, Dimension 15 1/4"h x 7 1/4"w x 4 1/2"dia, UL Rating 2-A:10-B:C10 lb. w/wall bracket, Range 15' - 21',Time 20 secs, Dimension 20"h x 7 3/4"w x 5"dia, UL Rating 4-A:80-B:C20 lb.
w/vehicle bracket, Range 15' - 21',Time 30 secs, Dimension 23 1/4"h x 10 1/4"w x 7"dia, UL Rating 20-A:120-B:C
Product Description
Dry Chemical Extinguishers use specially fluidized and siliconized mono ammonium phosphate dry chemical to stop Class A,B and C fires. These are rechargeable extinguishers.
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