The model KSFD inline detonation flame arrester is designed, manufactured and tested according to API 2000, British Standard Specification Code BS 7244, EN 12874, USCG and IMO MSC/Circ,677.The KSFD
detonation flame arresters provide protection against flame propagation in piping systems that are manifolded or have long runs.The arresters are designed to stop an ignited flammable vapor mixture
travelling at subsonic or supersonic vapor velocities.They are also designed to protect against continuous burning against the 316LSS flame cell for a specific period.The atandard flame cell is
suitable for NEC group D or IEC IIA gases. Cells for other gas groups are available as additional extras.The flame arresters are available with either carbon steel (expoxy coated), 304SS, or 316SS
housing with 316LSS flame cells.Sizes range from 25mm to 300mm.Standard flanges are ANSI 150lb and other connections are available upon request. Meet USCG, IMO MSC/Circ,677 & EN 12874
requirementsDesigned for Detonation & Deflagration proofMaximum Capacity & Minimum Pressure dropCapability of of absorption of high shock pressureQuick & Easy removable elementVery easy cleaning &
maintenanceAvailable vertical & horizontal installationHigh quality corrosion & chemical resistance