MSAsFireHawk air mask, MSAs latest SCBA platform, takes its name fromtheir highly successful FireHawk mask-mounted regulator anddemonstrates innovation with an all-new Airframe carrier and
harnessassembly. The FireHawk gives you more safety and ergonomic featuresthan any other SCBA on the market, and some of them can even be addedto existing Vulcan carrier and harness assemblies for
firefighters whowant more features on their same great SCBA. MSA is standardizing thierfamily branding of SCBA, and the FireHawk name will identifyNFPA-compliant air masks used by firefighters.
Industrial air masks nowbear the trademark AirHawk, and law enforcement (tactical) SCBA arecalled BlackHawk air masks, replacing the Custom 4500, Ultralite,and MMR Xtreme names.
MSA FireHawk SCBA Self Contained Breathing Apparatus