Intrusion and fire-alarm panel is designed to operate in intruder, fire, alarm modes and to control fire extinguishing equipmentt
20 signaling alarm loops with all types of intruder and fire detectors
Programming loops parameters for specific demands, technological loop for checking fire-extinguishing equipment run conditions
Improved interference immunity due to the input signal selection by interval and 50 Hz filtering
Alarm loop supplies 24 V voltage
Adaptation to loop resistance
Loops resistance measurement and transmitting the results to the S2000 panel or ARM Orion
Due to two-wired RS-485 interface we can:
control loop states, display messages from loops on S2000 panel or ARM ORION
log events on printer with the help of S2000 panel or computer (via S2000-PI interface converter)
loop parameters customizing
choose output keys control programs (three relays outputs with switching contacts and two relays outputs with NO contacts)
Checking one (Attention) or two (Fire) fire alarm detectors operations in one loop and loop fault test (Trouble)
If RS-485 interface line was out of order and was recovered afterwards, panel operates off-line, collects messages and transmits them to the S2000 panel or ARM
Connection Touch Memory or Proximity cards readers for centralized partitions arm/disarm control
Number of loops - 20
Number of current-consumed detectors connected to one loop (depended on detector type): DIP-3 - 5 pieces, DIP-U - 20 pieces, IP212-3SU - 20 pieces
Control on two NO contact outputs (28V/10A) and three switching contact relays outputs (28V/2A), programmable output control logic
Number of configuration parameters for each loop - 14
Number of control programs per each output - 32
Inner buffer volume - 24 events
Power supply voltage - 10,2 V DC up to 28 V DC
Standby current consumption:
at supply voltage 24 V - 200 mA to 400 mA
at supply voltage 12 V - 300 mA to 600 mA
Operating temperature range: - 30 +50