'Fixed Sensitivity' refers to a smoke detector which produces an alarm output when the ambient smoke level rises above a predetermined and fixed threshold. All detectors apart from Stratos-HSSD and its derivatives use this process. Figure 1 shows how smoke density typically progresses throughout the development of a fire before an alarm signal is generated in fixed sensitivity detectors.
Several Aspiration Smoke Detection (ASD) systems are capable of operating at very high levels of sensitivity. However, only the Stratos family of detectors can continuously maintain an appropriate
level of sensitivity in the face of normal fluctuations in environmental smoke density. Such fluctuations may be significant, and they may occur due to a number of factors, such as building
occupancy, manufacturing processes and detector air filter clogging.
The unique technology used in the Stratos-HSSD? range is known as ''. This process is given the name ClassiFire, and is able to establish and maintain optimum alarm thresholds,
irrespective of normal background smoke fluctuations. Only AirSense Technology's Stratos products employ this patented and award winning 'perceptive Artificial Intelligence' (AI) technology. All
other manufacturers of aspirating systems rely on the inferior '' method of determination of alarm thresholds, which is discussed below.
Several Aspiration Smoke Detection (ASD) systems are capable of operating at very high levels of sensitivity.
Several Aspiration Smoke Detection (ASD) systems are capable of operating at very high levels of sensitivity. |