A Pivot Point Exclusive. Revolutionary Rue Ring Cotters surroundthe shaft. Automatic lock makes this one of the safest cottersavailable today. Best used in light to medium applications. RueRing
cotters install fast without tools.Additional feature is the manual secondarylock which tensions the Rue Ring tight and dampens vibration.Made of hard drawn MB spring wire, zinc platedor stainless
type 302. Easy to install - easy to remove.HOLE PLACEMENTEND SHAFT USE ONLYRue Ring Cotters will retro fit most standardapplications without design changes.Total width of any Rue Ring equals 3 of
itswire diameters. The straight wire shaft which goes through thepin hole is one, plus two additional wire loops, one on eachside, front and back.Recommended hole size is 2 times the wirediameterof
the selected Rue Ring.This leaves the Rue Ring short of interfering with effectiveshaft length.Recommended web thickness is a minimumof 1 wire diameter and a maximum of 2 wire diameters.A thicker
web results in more holding power but makesinstallation and removal more difficult.Rue Rings SpecsStockCodeFits Shaft SizeDimensionsRUE-8.267/.257.041.844RUE-9H1/4
Hvy.270/.260.054.936RUE-105/16.330/.320.0471.044RUE-143/8.392/.382.0541.214RUE-22.520/.510.0621.420RUE-241/2 Hvy.520/.510.0721.456RUE-305/8.645/.635.0721.690RUE-34.770/.760.0802.081RUE-363/4
Hvy.770/.760.0912.166RUE-407/8 Hvy.895/.885.1052.506RUE-4211.020/1.010.1052.756Rue Rings - Zinc Plated & Stainless SteelStock CodeSizes Stocked in StainlessSizeWire DiameterApprox. Weight/Lbs.Per
100 Pcs.RUE-8RUE-8-S1/4 HEAVY.041.11RUE-9H1/4 X-HEAVY.054.18RUE-10RUE-10-S5/16 REGULAR.047.18RUE-14RUE-14-S3/8 REGULAR.054.23RUE-221/2 REGULAR.062.41RUE-24RUE-24-S1/2 HEAVY.072.68RUE-30RUE-30-S5/8
REGULAR.072.79RUE-343/4 REGULAR.0801.00RUE-36RUE-36-S3/4 HEAVY.0911.30RUE-407/8 HEAVY.1052.06RUE-421 REGULAR.1052.28