Product name: Solar door lock (status indicator)*semi-permanent product applied by solar-semi-permanent application & life time by all other lights.-not necessary for electrical set up or battery shift- perfectly operated from LCD by solar-environmental friendly product*solar door lock patent of the first in the world-door lock of new concept-new high-tech device-high quality & grade design-human technological design that can be apply easily by user-korean patent no.10-2004-0018541,10-2004-0072279*variety of front side display-can easily apply ci(logo) or initial of company-indicated by twinkling LCD insallation for emthasisis of visual aspect*convenient & easy sep up and maintenance-not necessary for wiring work or inconvenient set up work-everyone can sasily et up-easy monement set up after installation
Product name: Solar door lock (status indicator)
*semi-permanent product applied by solar