It all depends on the business you have. But generally speaking, no matter what you're business is, we can make sure that you lock those prying eyes away.
Integrated software makes creating new cards on-the-fly only a matter of seconds. You can even issue temporary cards, which is useful for businesses such as hotels and hospitals3.
Computer software can connect to these locks and read the information about who came in and went out, at what times, tracking time and attendance.
The opposite is also true, if a camera detects motion it can be configured to lock automatically and start recording. This can become an extra security measure, just in case. Using an IP camera integrated with a lock can ensure than no two people enter the same door without authenticating,
Access control integration adds even more to the infinite amount of choices that were already provided. Most locks can be connected to certain IP cameras2 and configured to start recording once a door is locked (or unlocked), they can be configured to detect motion and alert the responsible people to watch out.
Locks can hold around 400,000 key information1, and they can automatically synchronize access rights between each other. The central server makes a back up of this database once in a while to make sure that if anything happens, it's possible to restore all access control rights and information.
Things can get more interesting when it comes to higher security. Locks can be configured to launch a silent alarm while still open the door. If somebody was forced to open the door, they can enter their PIN code with the silent alarm code as one big number to trigger the alarm. Just like a hidden switch.
But what if you still want to go in while you don't have your card? Some locks have a fall-back mechanism, they can authenticate by asking for a PIN code in addition to the other authentication factor. Most likely, You aren't going to lose your fingerprint.
Clearly, this has an advantage that it's much more secure than single-factor authentication. This means that if you lost your company card, you can be sure it's useless to whoever possesses it.
If one key isn't enough to let you sleep soundly, dual-factor authentication can be used. Certain locks can be configured to require two authenticating objects, like your card and your fingerprint, or an iris scan and a pin-code.
The sheer amount of possibilities is overwhelming.
All locks can be configured from a single location on the network, all we have to do is to plug in each of these locks to your existing infrastructure. Now, each of these locks can be configured to accept certain keys, reject some, notify administrators for others, or blow a fire-alarm.
You'll get to choose what type of a "smart" key you need, a card with your name on it, a key chain, a memorized number, a fingerprint, your voice, or even your face.
With our access control solutions you completely get rid of keys. Well, not completely, you still need a key, sometimes two, but our keys are smart, in a sense that they only have to be near the lock for it to open.
In certain large offices (sometimes buildings), there's a master key, a key to every single lock. This alone should be a reason for concern. If this key is lost, it's very difficult to do anything about it without changing all locks.
What we're trying to say is, regular keys and locks aren't the way to go. They can easily be copied, they get lost easily without leaving a trace, and they can't be disabled without changing the whole lock.
Security is compromised.
But think again. How exactly would you know who accessed a locked room at a certain time? What if the key was simply stolen, or maybe copied, or even worse, what if one of the "chosen" ones was forced to unlock?
So you install a lock, get the three keys and give them to those who require access. It should all be fine.
In every company, there are certain rooms that are allowed only for certain people. Obviously, highly-sensitive areas require a high level of security. A company's assets are its capital, and they must be protected by all means necessary.
So you install a lock, get the three keys and give them to those who require access. It should all be fine.
So you install a lock, get the three keys and give them to those who require access. It should all be fine. |