Shoot Bolt for Standard door can be order on code LDBSBSET (Top & Bottom set) Slave lock package includes Shoot Bolt and Keep as standard Top Shoot Bolt = Reverse Action, Bottom Shoot Bolt = Direct
Action Shoot Bolt packers are bagged in 30's and profile specfic LDPACKSB1-A = Deceuninck, Eurocell Logik, Eurocell Ultimate, Kommerling LDPACKSB1-A = Rehau, Selecta Advanced, Thyssen Esograt
LDPACKSB1-B = Aluplast 70, Veka Fully Sculp LDPACKSB1-C = VEKA Matrix 70 LDPACKSB1-D = Synseal 70 LDPACKSB1-E = Spectus Sightline LDPACKSB1-F = Duraflex Diamond LDPACKSB1-G = LB7000 LDPACKSB1-H =
Synseal Legend, WHS Eclipse/Estethique, WHS System 10/Rustique