Structure of the Innohaus "one-card through" Hotel Management software system.
Development Environment: It was developed by using Delphi 6.0. It uses SQL-SERVER 7.0 large distributed management system and gives the best solution on the enterprise level.
Hardware System: The least distribution of the server is Pentium2 233. harddisk 2Gb. Memory 64Mb (suggestion Pentium2 350, harddisk 6.4Gb, memory 128Mb).The least distribution of the workstation is 586/166, harddisk 1 Gb, memory 16Mb (suggestions Pentium2 266, harddisk 4.3Gb, memory 32Mb).
Operationg Environment: Using the most popular Customer/Server (C/S) mode of the world.
Operationg Environment: Using the most popular Customer/Server (C/S) mode of the world. |