Viet - Tiep Lock company is the modernest and biggest enterprise manufacturing various high level locks and hardwares in Vietnam. Labour capacity: 52 million products per year .Type: Many different
kinds in order to serve consumtion in country and e invests in renovating equipment and technology for our products reaching high quality in order to meet the demand of customers. Viet - Tiep Lock
has been given the "Viet Nam High quality Product" in many years. Viet - Tiep locks have been awarded "Golden Prize-prize for Viet Nam Quality by Ministry of Science Technology and Environment",
Hanoi Golden Cup and more than 70 golden mendals from nationwide Exhibition Fairs . Viet - Tiep Lock is product of Quality Management System in compliance with International Standard Organization -
ISO 9001 version 2000. Viet - Tiep Locks are currently available for sale nationwide. -7