Customs and counter surveillance teams take greatadvantage of the FlatScan's extremely large active area forrespectively, illicit products contraband struggle and VIP protection.
These equipments are worldwide used, sometimes mounted on a robot,by military emergency staff for inspection of rocket heads, pipebombs...
In 2005 was launched the FlatScan 27, the first ever complete systemespecially designed in collaboration with Explosive Ordnance Disposal(EOD) and Improvised Explosive Device Disposal (IEDD) emergency teamsfor perfect adequacy to their needs.
In 2001, ICM launched the X-Spector, the first product of a range ofportable digital X-Ray imaging systems for investigation of suspiciousobjects abandoned in public areas.
-Portable detector behind the pack to inspect
-X-ray generator in front of the suspicious pack
-Laptop to get an instant image