Concord & Global (uk) Ltd. is a reputable manufacturer and supplier of quality Military, Police and Security products especially, to our core client base in the West-Africa sub-region.We have
extensive experience of handling defence supplies both directly and through defence contractors.We are presently manufacturing and procuring large order service berets, military compasses,
handcuffs and leg-irons, scabards, DMS boots and officers' dress shoes, hand-held metal detectors, binocular digital cameras, bullet proof riot shields and bullet proof riot helmets.Genuine
requests for supply of any of the above named items are particularly welcome since, such can be accomodated in our ongoing manufacturing schedule which, of course translates to considerable savings
on products and shorter delivery time span.Supply enquiries for above listed items are particularly welcome from defence and other allied agencies' procurement departments (police, customs,
immigration, civil defence, drug enforcement..etc) and certified defence contractors.