Lane Marking TapesA premium lane marking tape exhibits excellent adhesion, tack and good cohesion strength. The adhesive is specially formulated rubber based adhesive for high adhesion application.
It also has good resistance to solvent, oil and water. FeaturesFloor marking tapes are being widely used now a day for safety, identifying lane marking for storage segmentation, ideal for ISO 9001,
QS 9000 companies, good resistance to chemical and other moving objects. Better than paints.Available in various sizes and colorsColors available are white, Yellow, Blue, Green, Black, Red, Yellow-
Black, Red-white, Green White & More.High performance lane marking tape is premium quality PVC tape, which uses an aggressive pressure sensitive rubber -based adhesive system . it combines
excellent mechanical strength , easy transversal tear-ability and abrasion resistance with excellent conformability for use in lane marking and flooring application . excellent resistance to
abrasion , corrosion and moisture with a higher abrasion and mechanical resistance . suitable for indoor and protected outdoor environments. RED COLOUR TAPE USAGES : Safety cans,signs. Emergency
stop bar or button machinery. Identification of fire equipment.YELLOW COLOUR TAPES USAGES : Tripping,falling and striking hazards.Safety cans,containers for explosives,corrosives or unstable
materials.Parts of machinery or energized equipment that may cut,crush or otherwise injure. Inside of transmission guards for pulleys,gears,etc.GREEN COLOUR TAPE USAGES : Location of first aid
equipment. Location of safety equipment respirators, safety showers,etcBLUE COLOUR TAPE USAGES : Signs,bulletin boards, Specific railroad warnings against starting,using or moving equipment being
repaired.BLACK,WHITE TAPE USAGES : Traffic or housekeeping markings,Stairways,directions and borders.
Lane Marking Tapes
A premium lane marking tape exhibits excellent adhesion, tack and good cohesion strength.