1.General Purpose Tent 80 Kg Supplied to a large number
of security Forces. Used for accommodation / emergency
/ office purpose.
Left and Right :>Single Inner Fly
Bottom:>Double Fly
2. Clothing:
Outer Fly:> Cotton Canvas 400 GSM natural colour
Inner Fly:> Sheeting Dyed / Scoured with strengthen
tapes, niwars and ropes/ cordages
3. Size : 4.27 X 5.23 M / 4.0 X 5.0 M / 4.5 X 5.6 M
4. Height: 2.29 M / 3.1 M / 2.6 M
5. Capacity: 4 - 10 men
General Purpose Tent 80 Kg Supplied to a large number
of security Forces
General Purpose Tent 80 Kg Supplied to a large number of security Forces |