Desertcooler cools combatants by means of wind and a gentle water spray. The product imitates the bodys natural perspiration process by distributing a spray of water over the users skin and reducing body heat drastically by means of airstreams. Desertcooler Usage DescriptionBy operating a special nozzle located in the front panel of the Desertcooler, the warrior can efficiently use the water that is stored in the Desertcooler. Following a simple pressure creation procedure in the bottle, a water spray will create a thin moist layer on the akin. Operating the fan simultaneously will dry the moist and chill drastically users skin temperature. Using less then16OZ of water per day, it is the only cooling solution for extremely tough dehydrating environments that warriors face today around the globe, whereas water and electricity supply are insufficient.
Desertcooler cools combatants by means of wind and a gentle water spray. The product imitates the bo