Bladetech DOH Holster
Qty: Price: $68.00 Shipping: $5.00
Blade-Tech Dropped and Offset Holster - The "offset" feature of this holster allows for a greater degree of outward cant, which positions the grip of your pistol away from the body in a vertical position for more positive indexing. This popular USPSA Production division legal holster also features a "drop", which lowers the placement of the pistol for an easier reach, allowing the arm to remain more extended. These holsters are adjustable for any belt width from 1.25" to 2", and adjustable for three different cants, straight drop, FBI cant, or muzzle forward. The DOH bracket can be removed allowing the holster to be used as a regular Stingray style holster as well. Holster is black stealth kydex. Available for Glock 17/22/34/35, EAA Witness Elite Limited, STI 2011 5" and 6" models for right and left hand shooters.
Bladetech DOH Holster
Qty: Price: $68.00 Shipping: $5.00
Bladetech DOH Holster Qty: Price: $68.00 Shipping: $5.00 |