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Before you order a stun device, please make sure they are legal where you live.
Stun guns are legal, electronic devices that put out a high voltage shock to an assailant. Touching an attacker with a stun device will immobilize and incapacitate him. A stun device does not rely on high amperage for results. It is designed to key into the nervous system, interrupting the tiny neurological impulses that travel through the whole body to control and direct voluntary muscle movement. When an assailant's neuromuscular system is overwhelmed and controlled by a stun device, instant disorientation and loss of balance occur. And even if the assailant is touching you, the voltage will not pass to you. All of our stun devices require high output alkaline 9-volt batteries. Stun devices are not toys; they are a great device designed for self defense and should only be used to fend off an attacker. (See )
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Stun guns are legal, electronic devices that put out a high voltage shock to an assailant
Stun guns are legal, electronic devices that put out a high voltage shock to an assailant |