- made of Kevlar
- Special process of production makes that Kevlar helmet fulfills the highest requiremts of
- fragmentation protection very high - V50 450 m/s
- protects against stones, bricks etc.
- weight: 2 kg
- allows use the gas mask
- allows use a different types of comunication system e.g. Sonic system, Motorola GP
- National Institute of Public Health
- National Institute of Hygiene
- Military Institute Certificate
- Military Institute of Armament Technology (WITU) Certificate
Anti-Riot Kevlar Helmet is produced by Holsters HPE Polska. It is used by polish police and
polish border guards in riot situations. It is very useful, efficiect and effective equimpent
in each police team. Nowadays in polish police there are 3300 Holsters Kevlar Helmet
in use. It fulfills requirements E/ECE-324:1998 and PN EN 397:1995