The NDR-105EOD is born for EOD
The NDR-105EOD is a transportable RF Jammer or Bomb Jammer that uses RF Jamming signals to defeat remote controlled improvised explosive devices or an RCIED. The RF Jammer theory of
operation is the same as an ied jammer in that they both involve sending out RF Jamming signals to cause radio interference and attack the radio receiver of an improvised explosive device or IED
and help prevent it from detonating. RF Jamming or IED Jamming of HF, VHF, UHF, and Microwave radio frequencies enable the RF Jammer NDR-105EOD to reduce the risk of remote controlled
improvised explosive devices from triggering.
NDR-105EOD Features:
Expandable Design - The NDR-105EOD is expandable because it can cover both known threats as well as future threats determined by the user. This
can be accomplished by supplying additional jamming modules to the base configuration of the system.
Additional High Power - By adding jamming modules, the power output can be increased, offering increased saturation of the electromagnetic spectrum.