Feature of products
I. Structure:FDFC-JA-1type bulletproof&stab-resistant vests consist of surface
(made of static- resisted,durable&waterproof materials), bulletproof& stab-resistant
layer and buffer layer
II. Protective performance:bulletproof&stab-resistant layer materials have light,
bulletproof&stab-resistant superiority,and they won't aging in the surrounding of dampness
ultraviolet chemical article ,and this function can keep five years at least.
III.Technology parameters
Guard Area: 0.28
Style: vest,gallus, concealable armor
Bulletproof Level: meet American NIJ standard
Anti-puncture LevelNIJ-I
Anti-puncture Force:24J
The Bulletproof&Stab-Resistant Vests have the combined function of bulletproof vests and stab-resistant vests