The 3 in 1 Rechargeable Stun Baton was designed for police and security guards but is also available for civilian use. It has a heavy duty
halogen flashlight used by security personnel, an ear piercing 130 decibel alarm, and a powerful 600,000 volts. At 15 inches, long this baton will
give you a safe distance from an attacker while giving the you the option to defend yourself with a powerful alarm, hitting the attacker with the baton, or stunning him with 600,000 volts! Just
test firing this unit into the air is often enough to stop an attacker. As a bright electric current pulsates around the top of the baton it creates an intimidating electrical sound that can often
stop a would-be attacker in his tracks, or if necessary, a jolt of 600,000 volts certainly will!
No batteries are required. An AC cord is provided to recharge the stun baton. Also included is a removable shoulder strap.