Scimitar High Security Bollard provides a high level of security against unauthorised vehicle access. Designed to withstand substantial direct impact forces whilst avoiding the need for
foundations within the roadway, the barrier is designed to protect sites from extreme aggressive attacks.
Designed and manufactured by engineers with a wealth of experience in the fields of High Security and Access Control, the Scimitar Security Bollard is a highly dependable security
With an experienced system design capability along with a worldwide installation, service and maintenance capability,we are able to provide a swift and efficient solution to all your high
security requirements.
-Physically crash tested to exceed DoS & British Standards
-Manufactured from heavy gauge materials
-Substantial 1000mm raised hieght
-Manual operating override facility
-Unobstrusive aesthetics
-High quality coating system
-Minimal foundation reqmts
-Proven to withstand large vehicle impact and be operational after impact
-Zero site penetration at DoS K4 level impact
-Operation in power fail conditions
-Service spares availability ease of replacement
Automatic Crash Rated High Impact Road Bollard. Crash testing according to highest European standards PAS 68/69 criteria.