This non-lethal electric fencing system is a powerful intruder deterrent, which can be attached to an existing perimeter fence or used as a stand-alone fence.High tensile wires are spaced at a
distance of 95mm-150mm apart and a high voltage pulse is sent down alternate wires every second. The wire alternates between live and earth. To ensure absolute security, a controller continuously
monitors the electric fence for different types of attack and generates an alarm when pre-programmed conditions are met.All electric fence controllers have been manufactured to exceed European
standards : EN61011 EN61011/1. EN61011/2, BS/EN60335-276, BS4737 and IS302-2-76. Electric Fence controllers have an impeccable safety record; the high voltage pulse is of less than one thousandth
of a second in duration.BenefitsFlexibility of use and integrationThe electric fence can be used attached to an existing fence or it can stand alone. It can be used on walls or attached to
buildings and can readily interface with standard security equipment.Front-line Visual DeterrentThe physical presence of the fence and bright yellow signs, present a front-line warning to any
potential intruder.Physical Deterrent & DetectorTo any potential intruder the physical presence of the fence would deter an attempt to breach it and any attempt to climb or cut the fence would
result in a short, sharp, very unpleasant shock generating an immediate alarm.