Static GuardingA service designed to meet the needs of each contract and the security risks involved whether at a factory gate, an office reception desk, a residential complex or a government
organization, uniformed, trained security guards are usually based permanently on customers premises. The duties may involve the central monitoring of security systems as well as extensive rounds
of inspection at intervals during day and night.Total Plant ProtectionThis provides round the clock security and surveillance, involving a totaly integrated fire, safety monitoring and security
service by on site guards. The service includes 24 hour monitoring of alarms and other information systems, fire prevention and response is usually an important aspect of total plant protection,
and safety and first aid services are among the many other duties our guards perform.Retail SecurityEither uniformed store guards or plain clothes store detectives play a major role in our retail
security services. Activities are not only confined to preventing or apprehending shop liftersdishonesty and wastage, test purchasing and inventory control are among the other areas monitored and
covered by our services.