Think for a moment of the consequences of failing a roadside alcohol breath tester? What effect would losing your licence have on your job, or your family life? How would your friends and
neighbours react to you being labeled a 'Drunk Driver'? In addition to the possibly disastrous human consequences of causing an accident through drinking and driving, there are severe legal and
financial penalties should you be caught over the limit. How do you know if you are over the limit? Lets be honest, many people find themselves in a position whereby having had just a couple of
drinks, they are then unsure whether or not it is safe to drive. Perhaps after a business lunch or just a 'quick drink after work. The uncertainty of the situation can make for a very anxious drive
home. The morning after... In recent years, early morning breath tests have become commonplace on the nation's roads. Motorists innocently driving to work after having consumed alcohol the previous
evening, can still find themselves on the wrong side of the law. Whilst they may feel perfectly safe to drive, they are unaware that the amount of alcohol remaining in their system is still enough
to put them over the legal limit.