Being aware of the constant necessity to provide roads with higher safety, Industrias Duero, S. A. has been the first spanish company to obtain an international certification for its steel safety barrier restraint system, by performing real impact tests in official crash tests laboratories, which are internationally certified according to the new ROAD RESTRAINT SYSTEMS European STANDARD EN1317 / 2. This way, Industrias Duero, S. A. guarantees safety, functionality and effectiveness in the manufactured, supplied and installed road restraint system. System approved by the Highways Department of the Ministry of Public Works and determined by regulation 321 / 95 Recommendations on vehicle restraint systems. Our barrier system has successfully performed in real crash tests according to EN1317, by fulfilling all acceptance criteria determined for a normal containment level N2. The steel barrier restraint system of Industrias Duero, S. A. is conformed of the following elements: The beam shall contain and redirect the vehicle by absorbing the energy released in a crash. The post works as support for the safety barrier and is embedded in the terrain. This element is able to deflect while the system absorbs energy. Spacers are the elements joining the beam and the post. Their main function is to keep the vehicle's wheels separated from the post during the crash, preventing the vehicle from spinning. They keep the safety barrier to an almost constant height and in contact with the vehicle, while the posts bend, by diminishing the risks of the vehicle going beyond the safety barrier.
Being aware of the constant necessity to provide roads with higher safety, Industrias Duero, S. A. h