BreathScan ? Independent Testing
Numerous independent laboratory tests have established the reliability of the BreathScan ? disposable testers. Without exception, they have found BreathScan ? testers to have a high degree of
accuracy and reliability. Examples of those who conducted tests on BreathScan ? includes but not limited to:
BreathScan ? comes in four models to cover a full range of testing requirements. The .02% tester can detect the smallest trace of alcohol and gives assurance that operators of heavy machinery in usually low-tolerance situations are not under any influence. The .04%, .05%, .08% testers detect alcohol levels over the legal limits prescribed by different state or countries DUI legislation. Click here to find out your
You will select the BAC values after you add to cart
Using BreathScan ? is as easy as 1-2-3. Wait 15 minutes after your last alcoholic drink. Open the package and remove the BreathScan ? tube. Squeeze the middle of the outer plastic tube between your thumb and forefinger to break the inner glass ampoule containing the yellow crystals. Take a deep breath and blow, in one continuous breath. Wait for two (2) minutes. Observe the color change of the crystals.
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For 1000 or more Please call for special pricing: 818-701-9200 |