No one likes a drink-driver. If you're planning to drink, leave the car at home and get a taxi. But what about the morning after? Are you safe to drive yet? Maybe those few drinks at lunchtime left
you over the limit to drive home in the evening too. Now there's an easy way of finding out, with the MAX TV Alcohol Breath Testerk!Alcohol Breath Tester is a pocket-sized device that's really easy
to use. To test your breath alcohol level, just hold the Power Button until the light on the front turns green. Blow into the sensor on the top for a few seconds and the coloured LEDs on the device
light up to show your current alcohol level. Green indicates little or no alcohol has been detected. If it's yellow, take it as a warning. Yellow and red together mean you should definitely not
drive.Alcohol Breath Tester is powered by two AAA batteries, and also boasts a built-in 24hr clock with alarm and timer functions. It comes supplied with a lanyard, so you can use it as a keychain
if you wish.Disclaimer: This product is for guidance only, and will not guarantee you're under the legal limit. If in any doubt at all, do not drive.FeaturesMake sure you're safe to drive. Protect
your licence. Easy to use. Pocket sized. Includes clock and alarm functions. Powered by two AAA batteries. Price:?9.99 YourCartYou have item(s) ?0.00 View CartCategoriesAutomotive Computing
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