SekurPay"-GPS can change its behavior based on special numeric instructions, called Change Mode commands can be used to alter the following: SekurPay"-GPS is the most economical and powerful
Payment Protection Solution and stand-alone mobile tracking device available today using telematics technology.Telematics is the blending of computers and wireless telecommunications technologies,
ostensibly with the goal of efficiently conveying information over vast networks to improve a host of business functions. Utilizing GSM / GPRS, TCP, UDP IP and CSD communication together with GPS
technology SekurPay"-GPS provides comprehensive payment protection and asset security facilities to the loan financer. The SekurPay"-GPS units are installed into loaned vehicles for the term of the
loan period. Our product offers a flexible Payment Protection Solution to Finance Institutions that allows payments to be scheduled for any day or allows changes to payments. The solution allows
the loan financer to locate and recover the vehicle in the event of delinquency and theft thus ensuring that asset security is maintained. The SekurPay"-GPS system will inform the customer that
they are in good standing or whether they need to make a payment. If the customer is current with their payments the user will receive an audio visual alert confirming that their payments are up to
date. When a payment is due a reminder will alert the customer that a payment is due with in three days in which he will be reminded that a payment must be made.