TrafiCam? integrates both camera and detector in a compact, stylish housing and detects vehicles waiting at or approaching an intersection.
This vehicle presence sensor- based on field proven video detection technology - is part of theTraficon product range. Traficon is worldwide recognized as the marketleader in
traffic video detection.
TrafiCam? is easy to install and mount on existing or new infrastructure. Configuration is done via the TrafiCam? PC Tool. A video image from the sensor
allows accurate positioning of multiple presence detection zones. TrafiCam? provides an output to the traffic light controller each time a vehicle is present in a detection zone.
TRAFICAM - loop replacement sensor :
VIP-T host presence detection with up to 8zones.It can be used to manage intersections.
VIP-T is a very powerful platform designedto host all traffic algorithms.
Average vehicle length per lane
Density (number of vehicles/km) per lane
Occupancy per lane
Gap time per length class per lane
Average speed per vehicle class per lane
Volume (= number of vehicles) per vehicleclass per lane (for up to 8 lanes)
Zone occupancy per lane
Traffic flow speed per lane
Note that VIP-T can generate MPEG-4 compressed pre- and post- incidentimages for reviewing and storage.
Smoke (only for tunnel applications) (max.4x5 detection cells)
Debris/Fallenobject (16 zones)
Pedestrian(16 zones)
5 levels of service (normal, dense,delayed, congested, stop & go) (8 zones)
Slow Moving Vehicle (8 zones)
InverseDirection (8 zones)
Stopped Vehicle (16 stop zones)
VIP-T generates a wide rangeof traffic data and events. Below is an enumeration of all trafficinformation available via VIP-T. Depending on the application, certain combinationsof detection functions are not advised. This is due to physical limitations ofthe video image or the positioning of the camera. Also, to keep configuration and calibrationas easy as possible for the user, theVIP-T module is programmed in function of the exact requirements of eachcustomer. As such, unnecessary complexity is avoided.
Video image processing for traffic application: automatic incident detection, loop replacement, vehicle presence detection
Video image processing for traffic application: automatic incident detection, loop replacement, vehicle presence detection |