The increase in the crime rate can be attributed to many factors. In recent years, this has been alarming so that now any ordinary individual fears for the safety of his valuables. This concern has
given rise to the growing popularity of safe deposit boxes.Renting a safe deposit box in a bank at a minimal price, compared to the value of the items being kept, gives the owner a feeling of total
security and peace of mind which he cannot have if he kept his valuables at home.PROTECH has played a very important role in the development of safe deposit boxes in the Philippines. Before 1985,
all safe deposit boxes in the country were imported. Thus, they were not only expensive but also utilized foreign exchange which could have been diverted to more urgent purposes.In 1985, harnessing
the experience and technical know-how of its research and development team, PROTECH unveiled the first safe deposit boxes made in the Philippines. When PROTECH safe deposit boxes entered the local
market, importation was gradually reduced. At present, a substantial amount of foreign exchange is saved because of PROTECH's locally manufactured safe deposit boxes.PROTECH has continuously
upgraded its Safe Deposit Boxes. With over 150,000 units sold since they were first introduced in the Philippines, PROTECH safe deposit boxes can be seen in almost all bank vaults in the
Philippines today.