The Safe-Wise Audio Pay Station manufactured by Emirates Line Metal Industries (ELMI), is a unique and secure facility designed to provide quick and easy transfer of money and documents between
cashier and customers.The unit, recessed into the counter top, permits glazing to be carried down to the counter and thus maintains security. There is a clear (or can be provided with dark color)
plastic slide which is controlled by the cashier and can be secured into position when the unit is not in use.The audio boxes operate in conjunction with the speech transfer into the screen to
provide good voice communication. APPLICATIONSSafe-Wise Audio Pay Stations and Pay Troughs have a wide range of applications, from banks, insurance companies and security establishments, to pay
offices, accounting and credit offices. They are also of great importance in situations where minimal staff are available to handle cash transfers after hours or at night, in hotels, petrol
stations and entertainment establishments. The Audio Pay Station is an ideal solution to a situation where security must be maintained, but a high level of communication is desirable. The Pay
Trough is a secure alternative to the Pay Station. The unit is designed to offer a secure facility for installation into a counter top immediately below the security screen, as for the station
above. The Pay Trough is ideal for the passing of documents, envelopes and small packages.