We sell fireproof safes in varying storage capacities ranging from size 28" to size 72" All our safes come with many features like : ~
Strong Seamless Body :
Fully welded multi corner bend constructed without a single rivet on all sides and door armored with a Double duty barrier material providing massive resistance to attack of sledge hammer, power
drills, oxy-acetylene flame and arc cutting steel
Super Tough Door :
Total thickness of door barrier material is high to provide superior protection with a series of barriers.
Un-pickable locks :
High Precision, superior quality dual control 10-lever locks with stainless steel body and brass levers.
Various locking systems :
Superior high quality made in USA digital Locks by LaGuard with
Manager Mode Manager and One User Combination
Wrong Try Penalty
Outside Battery Compartment Located Under Input Housing
One User-Supplied 9V Alkaline Battery
Satin-Chrome Angular Input Housing Brass Optional
U.L.. V.D.S., C.E. Listed
Unyielding protective shielding :
Lock protection with a special drill-defeat shield in the door.
Bolt work Mechanism :
Strong moveable shooting bolts evenly spaced to secure the door equipped with the impact resisting shaft.
Balanced pressure Bolt-work :
Ensuring safety from attacks by dislodging
Automatic Relocking Device :
Sensitive device to defeat attack through the key hole Mechanically or with liquid explosives.
Attractive finish and Rust Protection :
Attractive two tone smooth, scratch free lasting multi-coat rust proof finish.
Special Features :
Resistant to oxy-acetylene torch by usage of modern materials and manufacturing techniques to produce better 'barrier' materials such as tough steel re-enforced with a high conductive cast metallic
Offers protection on all sides with a fire and burglar resistant barrier material lining the outer case and cradling the inner case and critical jamb areas.
The safes are provided with 2-3 adjustable shelves made of 1.6mm thick steel and 2 bottom mounted drawer units.
Precision high security 10 lever dual control locks to control the movement of the cross strap connecting to the shooting bolts.
Automatic re-locking device actuated to spring into action if the lock is dislodged by any other means.
The Safes are available in various pre-designed sizes as well as customised dimensions as per requirements. The Sizes available are :
We sell fireproof safes in varying storage capacities ranging from size 28" to size 72" All our safes come with many features
We sell fireproof safes in varying storage capacities ranging from size 28" to size 72" All our safes come with many features |