Locking - By single centre heavy duty block type padlock (not supplied). The tool vault is prepared for both base & rear fixing. Specifications - 3.0mm high grade sheet steel body & door. 6.0mm
padlock protection cover. 8.0mm padlock Hasp. 50.0mm door to body anti jemmy overlap. Full length door dogging bar. Continual full length heavy duty hinge, Heavy duty door stay fitted as standard,
Heavy duty two pack gloss anti corrosive textured finish paint.
Fittings - One removable shelf size TV3 only.
Optional fittings to order - Removable tool tray half TV3, Removable tool tray full TV3, Solid carrying handles all sizes, Base mounted lifting skids all sizes, Padlock complete with keys.
Locking - By single centre heavy duty block type padlock (not supplied). The tool vault is prepared for both base & rear fixing
Locking - By single centre heavy duty block type padlock (not supplied). The tool vault is prepared for both base & rear fixing |